It doesn't make sense that this, of all seasons of my life, would be the one in which I am knowing the greateast joy, but it's true. And I want to share it. So I'm starting this blog to let you in on what I'm learning: There is real peace to be found in the greatest of trials, and real hope despite seemingly insurmountable obstacles. It is possible to love and to live more deeply than you have before, and to experience joy in the unlikeliest of times - when it seems, like wildflowers peeking up from January snow - completely out of season.


Friday, June 3, 2011

We're Pregnant!

We’re pregnant again!  Hooray!  We are so excited to be 15 ½ weeks pregnant with a baby girl whom we love so much already.  I’m starting this blog to fulfill a few purposes:
1.      I want to share with the world the amazing testimony unfolding as God works in our lives through this pregnancy. 
2.    I want a place to keep everyone up to speed and share prayer requests for our baby.
3.     I want to be a source of hope and comfort to other families who are facing trials similar to ours. 
4.     Secretly (not so secret anymore), I’ve always wanted to write, and this seems like a perfect, and very therapeutic opportunity to practice.
I don’t plan to spare anyone any of this journey’s heartaches or celebrations.  I also don’t plan on editing out parts of our lives that aren’t specifically about this new baby.  I am going to do my best not to speak for my husband Mario or embarrass him too much.  I’m also intentionally omitting any information about our 14 year old niece, Katie.  She lives with us, but needs her sensitive adolescent ego protected here.  Our daughter, Avery (15 months), however, will likely take up a lot of text and photo space.  Her daily adventures supply us with plenty of smiles, and I wouldn't want to deprive you of those. 
I'm honored that you are here to share and be shared with and hope you are blessed in some way.  With all of the qualifications, preparations, and general groundbreaking out of the way, let's get started. 

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