It doesn't make sense that this, of all seasons of my life, would be the one in which I am knowing the greateast joy, but it's true. And I want to share it. So I'm starting this blog to let you in on what I'm learning: There is real peace to be found in the greatest of trials, and real hope despite seemingly insurmountable obstacles. It is possible to love and to live more deeply than you have before, and to experience joy in the unlikeliest of times - when it seems, like wildflowers peeking up from January snow - completely out of season.


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Almost Time!

I've not posted in a while because there has really not been any news to impart, but actually, not having anything to say IS news!  Lily is still tucked away at almost 39 weeks, and we've not been back to the hospital in two weeks.  I hope to stay away till Lily's scheduled arrival this Friday morning. I've followed orders and stayed on rest (lounging on the couch and not going anywhere) every day, and it has slowed the contractions and kept my blood pressure at least out of the danger zone. Most weekdays, Mario has gone to work, Avery has spent at least part of the day with our sitter, Katie has  been at school and riding, and I have watched a lot of HGTV.  I didn't think anyone would be interested in g what I learned from Design on a Dime or Candice Tells All.   The shows did  inspire some serious nesting, so my poor, sweet, ever-accommodating husband has painted, organized, assembled, labeled, and cleaned for hours and without a word of complaint.  His biggest accomplishment was re-upholstering my grandmother's bench, which was covered in purple flame stitch fabric. It's hanging out inside the front door now, sporting a very current beige, chocolate, and blue/green suzani  pattern.  I'm pretty proud of this project, because the cost was less than $10. 

My good friend Jenn asked yesterday how I was feeling. My response was "puffy, anxious, hopeful, excited, nervous, tired, and thankful.".  Probably more than she bargained for, but I was her roommate long ago, so she knows my  annoying tendency toward hyper-verbose descriptions of feelings. No one will ever catch me saying "fine," which is NOT a feeling. 
Most of my remaining anxiety is about the actual c-section. I hate hospitals, needles, beeping noises, bright lights, and drugs.  More on the history of that another time.  I have a combination of peace and excitement about meeting Lily. Even the Dr's constant reminders that something may still be very wrong haven't phased me lately. I KNOW God has a plan for Lily. He tells me so every time she kicks, when she gets the hiccups in my belly, and each week when I hear her sweet heartbeat. This week, we got one final 3-D peek of her curled up inside me. She has huge, chunky cheeks and is almost 8 lbs!  In one picture, she was winking at us, one eye open and one shut. She almost looked mischievous.  
Please pray for Lily and me, and for the doctors at St Luke's and TX Children's this Friday morning.  We have so much to be thankful for this season, including your faithful prayers for us. 

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