It doesn't make sense that this, of all seasons of my life, would be the one in which I am knowing the greateast joy, but it's true. And I want to share it. So I'm starting this blog to let you in on what I'm learning: There is real peace to be found in the greatest of trials, and real hope despite seemingly insurmountable obstacles. It is possible to love and to live more deeply than you have before, and to experience joy in the unlikeliest of times - when it seems, like wildflowers peeking up from January snow - completely out of season.


Friday, June 3, 2011

Day 1

On May 9th, we had our Nuchal Translucency Scan and were surprised to learn that our baby girl was struggling. The high risk OB saw a large (6-7 mm) cystic hygroma on her neck, and hydropy (excess fluid under the skin). He prepared us that these symptoms are typical of a genetic abnormality called 45,X. He explained that babies born with this abnormality have Turner's Syndrome, but most often (2999 out of 3000 times), with this cluster of symptoms, the baby does not survive to full term. We were offered to terminate the pregnancy and declined. We chose to proceed with chorionic villus sampling the following morning so that we could determine the exact chromosomal issue and better prepare for what might lie ahead.  We went home to try to absorb this information, and to pray.  My sweet, attentive OB called when we were on our way home to say how sorry she was and answer any questions we might still have.  She agreed that going ahead with CVS was the best choice if we planned on continuing the pregnancy. 

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